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Monteverde, the cloud forest of Costa Rica

Charming place, fresh air, cold breezes, you can breathe a greenery with high and cloudy forests where a wide range of biodiversity is housed.

Santa Elena Cloud Forest Natural Reserve
Santa Elena Cloud Forest Natural Reserve

Monteverde is a rural town of friendly people, who know very well how to welcome their visitors. The first settlers of Monteverde arrived near the year 1915 from the central part of Costa Rica. They set up an agricultural community. Being a remote and mountainous place, the coexistence among the population had to be very cordial and they developed basic skills and knowledge to cover the absence of basic services and health. The population depended a lot on mutual aid, and a high concept of solidarity.

In 1950 the Quakers arrived from the United States with pacifist values, and because Costa Rica was a declared country without an army they decided to migrate. They chose the Monteverde area as an ideal place for the dairy with its large and fresh forests. The arrival of the Quakers made Monteverde a more multicultural town that was formed little by little with the customs of Quakers and settlers from Costa Rica. A people with thoughts of peace and aware of the respect and care of nature.

Grazing, Monteverde
Grazing, Monteverde

The town grew with the commerce of
the dairy and cheese making of very good quality promoted by the Quakers. Years
later, with the efforts of the Quakers, a couple of scientists and the
government of Costa Rica created the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological
Reserve. It started with 328 hectares and currently has about 10,500 hectares.
Over the time, adventure tourism began to take on importance as a commercial

Monteverde Biological Reserve
Monteverde Biological Reserve

Around the 90s, the Monteverde economy became from agriculture, coffee, and milk to tourism. New opportunities were created for all. Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve was created thanks to the determination of the community, and the participation of parents and students of the School, and volunteer organizations. The commitment was to share the benefits of Tourism and use them as a tool for the common good. It is one of the first Costa Rican Reserves that is managed by a public school, providing a direct benefit to the town.

Santa Elena Cloud Forest Natural Reserve
Santa Elena Cloud Forest Natural Reserve

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is known worldwide for its great biodiversity, dedication to conservation, scientific research, and protection of water resources. The reserve has trails where you can see some of its flora and fauna. There are more than 2,500 species of plants including orchids, 100 species of mammals, 450 of birds, including the quetzal, as well as reptiles, amphibians, and insects.

Red-eyed frog
Red-eyed frog

Besides to enjoy two Biological
Reserves, in Monteverde you can find a beautiful environment that allows you to
experience an afternoon of coffee in its peaceful town shearing with its people.
Also, you can visit the garden frogs the butterfly farm, go to see bats or
hummingbirds, visit the serpentarium, take a coffee or sugarcane tour, take a hanging
bridges tour, as well as a canopy tour, very famous for its adrenaline
generator for adventurers. In the evenings visits are organized to the reserve
or to the ecological sanctuary where you can see a good part of the night of
the beautiful forest.


Come with us and visit Monteverde, a magical place wrapped in nature!

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