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Biodiversity in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is located within the tropical zone of the American continent, where it is home of the greatest diversity of species and ecosystems in the world.

Costa Rica is considered one of the 20 countries with greater biodiversity of the world in only 0.03% of the surface of the planet. The geographical position, surrounded by its two coasts with a mountainous system, provides numerous and varied microclimates that give rise to this natural wealth, both in species and in ecosystems. About 500,000 species inhabit this small territory and represent about 4% of the total estimated species worldwide.

The biological wealth of Costa Rica is administered by the Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Technology (MINAET) and this assigns the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) as responsible for caring, working and promoting in a sustainable way the biodiversity of the country. 11 conservation areas have been assigned throughout the country for greater and better management of care in conjunction with the participation of communities close to each area.

Costa Rica has sought to integrate both the public and the private sector the protection of the environment. That is why it has more than 25% of its territory under some category of protection. In addition, with the private initiative that has a valuable contribution by creating private reserves dedicated especially to ecotourism and research.

This is a conservation effort that few countries in the world have made and in which Costa Rica has invested great resources for the well-being of present and future generations.

In the last 5 years the country has emphasized the development of studies that include methodologies for assessing the benefits provided by protected areas and the resources they protect. Ecological tourism, fisheries, medicinal flora, bioprospecting, and the payment of environmental services, are some examples of topics that have been analyzed in these terms. Parallel to this economic valuation that is under development in Costa Rica and in the world, public and private institutions and organizations develop programs of education and public awareness, in order to contribute to a change of attitude towards nature in society.

Come and visit Costa Rica and experience its biodiversity very closely!

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