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The climate of Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a climate as diverse as its nature, a small country between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea that bring their magic to have a varied climate with several microclimates and two seasons. The dry season or summer and the rainy season or winter as it is popularly known.

Celeste River, Costa Rica
Celeste River, Costa Rica

An important factor is the closeness to Equator line, making Costa Rica a tropical country where we can enjoy the sun throughout the year. The days of sunlight range from 5:45 in the morning when the sun rises until 5:45 pm when the sun goes down, with some variation of minutes before or minutes later depending on the time of year.

The climate of Costa Rica can be defined as a tropical one with abundant rain that allows to enjoy a green country with large tracts of forests, rivers, a varied flora and fauna fed by the rains and accompanied by pleasant temperatures.

Scarlet macaws, fauna Costa Rica
Scarlet macaws, fauna Costa Rica

During the rainy season that goes from May to November we have sunny mornings with downpours in the afternoon. The dry season that goes from December to April offers very sunny days with beautiful sunsets mainly in the Central and North Pacific.

Costa Rica maintains very pleasant temperatures throughout the year, with an annual average between 20 to 30 degrees. The coldest months are November, December, and January. In these months the cold winds of North America affect the climate. Sometimes in the Central Valley the temperatures drop even to 13 degrees and in the mountains, it can go down a lot mainly at night and early morning. The hottest months are March and April.

Orosi, Costa Rica
Orosi, Costa Rica

By having microclimates, you can have rain in some areas of the country such as the Caribbean, with dry months in February, March, September and October, the remaining months may have variable conditions, rainy days some days or dry conditions with beautiful days sunny and golden beaches surrounded by green forests.

North Pacific beach, Costa Rica
North Pacific beach, Costa Rica

Costa Rica, like the rest of the world, has been affected by climate change, as well as the phenomenon of El Niño and La Niña that occur every so often in the world. These cause more drought or an increase in rainfall with tropical storms respectively.

Traveling to Costa Rica in the rainy season allows you to appreciate emerald green forests, rainy afternoons that fall like symphonies of different sounds. And after the rain, it is common to see the birds fluttering and lurking for some insect that has been discovered there.

In the dry season, the trip will surprise you with golden days by the sun and multicolored sunsets, a drier vegetation where its fauna prefers to rest in the interior of the forest to protect itself from the heat.

Whitetail deer, forest Costa Rica
Whitetail deer, forest Costa Rica

Come to Costa Rica and let us guide you to the charm of its climate and its natural beauty.

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