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Costa Rica: an incomparable destination

Costa Rica Pura Vida!

The magical beauty of Costa Rica delights more than two and a half million people. Those who consider that the destination is tourist, received the promised gratification: it is a unique destination in the world that offers, in a very small geographic space, the most abundant biological wealth that a country can achieve in the same area.

Toucan, Costa Rica

The magnificence of nature besides the kindness of people who share love for peace and the joy of interacting and learning from visitors, make the visit to Costa Rica a magical experience.

And it is not surprise, Costa Rica is an extraordinary refuge of life. In its territory of only 51 thousand square kilometers, which represents about 0.03% of the planet's surface, it is approximately 5% of the world's biodiversity.

In a matter of minutes, tourists visiting Costa Rica can enjoy all this biological diversity in the most remote corners of the country thanks to an extensive network of hideaways and country roads.

The natural riches of Costa Rica are so spectacular and have earned worldwide recognition. That is why great efforts have been made to guide tourism towards sustainable development, which seeks to create economic and social benefits based on the protection and conservation of ecosystems and natural resources.

Celeste River, Costa Rica
What makes Costa Rica different from other tourist destinations?

The main comparative advantage of Costa Rica is its system of national parks and protected areas. It covers about 25% of the national territory, most of the planet in percentage, less than 0.1% of the Earth's land mass. In addition, Costa Rica has many beaches in the Pacific Ocean as well as in the Caribbean Sea. With two seashores separated by only a few hundred kilometers. Also, tourists can safely visit several volcanoes located in National Parks. At the beginning of the nineties, Costa Rica became known as the main ecotourism representative. And to this day it continues to be recognized as one of the most outstanding ecotourism destinations in the world.

Costa Rica is a place of pure nature, where you can leave the senses free, exalt your sensibility to enjoy activities such as walks through forests with trees over 100 years. Boating by canals, or mangroves. Experience sailboat rides with golden sunsets or dive into its warm sea to explore marine life. It is the place where you can test your ability and patience by watching the beautiful birds that hide in their forests. Listen the croaking of the frogs at night and share the room with a beetle. Climb our adrenaline with some adventure in the Canopy or in rafting by the rivers. All this in an environment where all its people make you feel at home.

Walk and breathe fresh air in the immense forest. Then relax ... and feel the freshness that this great little country offers you. We invite you to enjoy it with us Terra Incógnita, personalized and quality service.

So, do not think twice come, and visit Costa Rica.

Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica

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