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Arenal Volcano

Arenal Volcano National Park is located in the central volcanic mountain range of Costa Rica. From La Fortuna town you can appreciate a majestic mountain that welcomes national and foreign visitors who come every year for its exuberant and conical figure; this rainforest mountain has an almost perfect cone of 1633 meters (5358 feet).

Arenal Volcano
Arenal Volcano

This volcano for many years was considered extinct, with no activity, but in July 1968 it began its activity with a strong eruption, surprising the whole country, and mainly its closest inhabitants. Caused a quite negative effect for nearby villages, the villages of Tabacon, Pueblo Nuevo and San Luis disappeared.

The eruptions occurred for several days, throwing giant rocks, lava and ashes and it was common to hear the rumblings of the volcano which woke residents and visitors. Since 2010 began an inactivity period, which is interrupted at times by columns of water vapor and gases in the air.

La Fortuna town has developed next to the Arenal Volcano. It is a lovely place to visit and keeps a typical Costa Rican charm and even the development of the tourist activity, the simplicity and warm of its people is part of the attractive.

The visit to La Fortuna Waterfall is one of the top tours, with a waterfall of 70 meters can be visited in a two hours tour. Walks to the Arenal Volcano National Park visiting trails, appreciating flora and fauna typical of the area until arrive to lava flows place, where you can see many of the rocks that the volcano expelled with its first eruption of 1968.

The Arenal Lake is an ideal place to have an exquisite experience with windsurfing. It is cataloged among the best places in the world to practice this sport, thanks to its breeze that remains very consistent.

Arenal Lake
Arenal Lake

The hotel offer is something to enjoy. Some hotels have impressive views of the volcano, as well as its different hot springs and spas. There is a great variety of thermal waters, many of them with water coming from the outgoing rivers of the same Volcano, and full of powerful minerals that make relax and fill with new energy our body and mind.

Tabacon Thermals
Tabacon Thermals

Spas where you can enjoy and experience body wrappings with volcanic mud, massages with organic products made with materials from the same area, all in rooms immersed in nature with the relaxing sounds provided by the enigmatic nature of Costa Rica.

We invite you to visit Costa Rica and include La Fortuna on your tour, live the experience of crystalline volcanic waters!

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